Monday, August 22, 2011


SM Fairview had a 3-day sale that ended yesterday and I almost shit myself when I found out that Mint was going all out. Imagine, P300 for a really nice dress? Sadly, I was not able to buy one because I'm currently part-time job-hunting and have shopped too much this month. And I have no regrets. Why? Because I'm pretty sure they're going to have another sale again.

The thing is, guys, you should not forget about your budget just because there's a sale.  In our malls, sales don't happen four times a year. They happen every time shops have broken sizes and/or have apparel that nobody buys.  My dad is in the garments industry and I have learned a lot from him. He told me that you don't necessarily save when there's a sale. What shops do is that they slash the price off some shirt or dress that's overpriced to begin with (sometimes by 200%) when people don't seem to think it's worth the money they're asking for. It's like haggling at Divisoria, only you don't get a say in it. Shops dictate the price; you buy it if you think the deal's good. The trick is spotting clothes that you think you can't get anywhere else.

First thing to consider is if you're buying stuff for long-term use or just as something to add to your wardrobe. If you're the type of person who wears something until it literally falls off of you, I suggest you steer clear of sales in general. Good material and good design don't come cheap. It might never will. But if you're willing to compromise, let's say you're more of the design type and you don't mind having a dress that would probably last you several months, then join the fun. In fact, if you're the hoarder type (like me), sales are probably for the best. In my case, I probably have worn my tops and dresses an average of 3 to 5 times, so even if the material is not built to last, I don't have to worry because it won't go through the wash often. That and I have an awesome laundrywoman (Hi, Mom, I love you!).

So let's say you share the same sentiment. What do you look for in a sale? Look for the classics. If the only reason you're buying something now is because you're scared they would not sell it next week or next month, then don't bother. Fads are just that; once nobody wears it anymore, the next time you see it in your closet, you're probably going to be wishing you spent the money on something else.

Exhibit A: The Camouflage Capri Disaster of the Early 2000s
Choose wisely. Don't just start picking everything from the rack just because of that orange tag. The very first thing that you should ask yourself is "Will this look good on me?" not "Is this in?" Second thing you should ask is "Where will I wear this?" Because it won't matter if that gorgeous strapless red number is something you think you can't live without. If you don't even go out to events that are appropriate for it, then make sure you have enough room for it in your closet, because it will stay there. For a long, long time. And seriously, there is nothing as tragic as a pretty dress unworn. Well, okay, there's war and famine, but I digress.

Lesson for the day: Do not give in. Prepare for next time.

Outfit Breakdown:
Rayban-ish sunglases - P299
Blazer (I forgot where I bought it) - P700
Jewels dress - P350
B-Club boots - P700 (50% off, bitchez)

Yeah, I know, I should learn how to pose.

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